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Articles found: 19 (1 - 12)
Matrìca at Lubricant Expo 2024
This year as well, from September 17thto 19th, you can find us at the Lubricant Expo in Düsseldorf,...
read more...LANXESS and Matrìca team up to produce sustainable preservatives from renewable raw materials
Cologne (Germany) / Porto Torres (Sassari, Italy), January 27, 2022 - Specialty chemicals company LANXESS,...
read more...Matrìca at Lubricant Expo in Essen
From September 26th to 28th you can meet us at Lubricant Expo in Essen, Germany, showcasing Matrilox®,...
Matrìca caso studio al convegno ´I luoghi della chimica verde´ a Porto Torres
Il 24 marzo nell´ambito del progetto educativo "I luoghi della Chimica Verde", si è tenuto presso...
European Bioeconomy representatives visit Matrìca biorefinery
On 6 September John Bell, Director of Bioeconomy in DG Research andInnovation (European Commission)...
US Ambassador, John R. Phillips, visits the Matrìca plants in Porto Torres
Porto Torres (Sassari), 11 May 2016 - Today, the Ambassador of the United States of America to Italy,...
read more...A European delegation visits the Matrìca biorefinery in Porto Torres
Novamont´s bioeconomy model, the setting up of agro-industrial value chains with low environmental impact...
read more...A Plast 2015 i bioprodotti Matrilox, nati dalla joint venture Versalis - Novamont a Porto Torres
Milano,6 maggio 2015 – A Plast 2015 Matrìca, joint venture50:50 tra Versalis (Eni) e Novamont, presenta...
Matrìca´s flagship plants go international on European Stakeholders´ Open Day
Porto Torres, 10 October 2014 – Matrìca,the 50/50 joint venture between Versalis (Eni) and Novamont,...
read more...TOBE 2014, 3° Bioeconomy Stakeholders´ Conference – From sectors to system, from concept to reality
The third Bioeconomy Stakeholders´ Conference will be hosted by the Italian Presidency ofthe Council...

Matrìca: Porto Torres inaugurates new green chemistry complex
Matrìca: Porto Torres inaugurates new green chemistry complexPorto Torres, 16 June 2014 - The ribbon...
read more...Debutto a Ecomondo per i prodotti di Matrìca
Presentata a Rimini la prima gamma di prodotti da fonte rinnovabilePorto Torres – Rimini, 6 novembre...